Thursday, January 10, 2013

First Blooms of 2013

The first bloom of the year in my yard opened today. It is a dark, windy and rainy day here but I tried to get a photo.

first bloom of 2013

These little weeds began blooming too. I love their delicate tiny purple flowers. When I was little I used to gather many different tiny blooming weeds for fairy bouquets. I was very fortunate in that my grandmother encouraged my imagination and gave me tiny glass bottles to put them in.

pretty weeds

Saturday, January 5, 2013

8 gallon day 52

ebi day 52

The plants could use another trimming. Still no fauna other than a few pond snails. No more algae problems since I started using excell and upped the amount of CO2 I use. The new filter made a huge difference too. After I am well I intend on doing some research to see if I can add cut off valves to the Finnex to make maintenance easier. I also plan to move the CO2 dispenser to the back of the tank where it will be hidden by plants.
I am so very happy with how well the Fissidens fontanus is doing in this tank. It is thriving in it where I could not keep the expensive moss alive at all in my other 2 tanks.

Fissidens fontanus